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  • सबका साथ सबका विकास सबका विश्वास सबका प्रयास
  • Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences
  • Welcome to CSIR-CIMAP
  • Glimses of KISAN MELA 2021
  • Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched the “Shree Gorakhnath Ashirwad” incense stick being made at Gorakhnath Temple from flower wastes, largely by women.
Inviting CSR funds of Indian Industries for S & T interventions of CSIR-CIMAP to augment socio-economic benefit to the society


CIMAP Advt No. 2/2020- Recruitment of Scientists and Senior Scientists- List of Shortlisted candidates to be called for Interview and List of Non-Shortlisted Candidates-reg
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Five-Day Skill Development-cum-Training Program on Cultivation, Primary Processing, Quality Aspects, and Marketing of Commercially Important Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Extension of last date from 16 Aug 2022 to 21 Aug 2022
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Online interview for engagement of Project Associate-I, on purely temporary basis in different projects tenable at CSIR-CIMAP Research Centre, Bengaluru (ADVERTISEMENT NO. PA-August 2022)
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Screening Result- For the post of Senior Technical Officer (1) (Medical Officer), Post Code- T0421 against CSIR-CIMAP Advt. No. 1/2021"
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Final Result- For the post of Senior Technical Officer (1)(2) advertised vide CSIR-CIMAP Advt No. 2/2020
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SIDBI Sponsored Skill-cum-Technology Up-gradation Programme on 'Cultivation and Primary Processing of Economically Important Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
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Interview Schedule-For the post of Senior Technical Officer (1)(2) advertised vide CSIR-CIMAP Advt No. 2-2020
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Disposal of Representations received against CSIR-CIMAP Notice dated 08.02.2022
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Trainings under Skill Development Program 2021-22
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Notice regarding correction in the list of screened in candidates for interview for the post of Sr. Technical Officer (2) (Plant Biotechnology), Post Code T2220 (Unreserved)
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Corrigendum to Advt No. 1/2020, 2/2020 and 1/2021
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Skill-cum-Technology Up-gradation Programme on 'Cultivation and Primary Processing of Economically Important Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Last Date: 10 March 2022
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CSIR-CIMAP invites applications from Indian citizens in prescribed form for the variouse posts for Administrative/Technical support in research related activities under Advertisement No. 1/2021
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Training Programme on 'Improved Production Technologies of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants & Aromatic Oils' (Under Aroma Mission Programme – HCP 0007)
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Announcement of Various E-tenders"
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Training on Various Skill Develoment Programs"
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Precautions for COVID-19 in CSIR - CIMAP campuses
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"Download Mentha-Mitra
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NIT for Empanelment of Banker for foreign remittances
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Revised Rates of Planting materials, seeds and by products of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) at CSIR – CIMAP, Lucknow (w.e.f. 20.07.2017)
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Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, popularly known as CIMAP, is a frontier plant research laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). Established originally as Central Indian Medicinal Plants Organisation (CIMPO) in 1959, CIMAP is steering multidisciplinary high quality research in biological and chemical sciences and extending technologies and services to the farmers and entrepreneurs of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) with its research headquarter at Lucknow and Research Centres at Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pantnagar and Purara. CIMAP Research Centres are aptly situated in different agro-climatic zones of the country to facilitate multi-location field trials and research. A little more than 50 years since its inception, today, CIMAP has extended its wings overseas with scientific collaboration agreements with Malaysia.....  readmorebutton


Last Updated: Thursday, 02 June 2016


Ved Ram Singh
Designation: Senior Principal Scientist  & Scientist-In-Charge
Phone: 91- 5944-234445
Field of Expertise : Genetic improvement of Medicinal and Aromatic plants through Breeding (Conventional and Classical
Breeding) approaches;Collection, maintenance, evaluation and multiplication of Germplasm, of selected MAPs Crops.


Rajendra Chandra Padalia
Designation: Senior Scientist & Nodal
Phone: 91-9917472497
Field of Expertise :Chemistry of Natural Products, Essential oils & aroma principles of aromatic plants


R S Verma
Designation: Scientist 
Phone: 91-9756021222
Field of Expertise : Essential oil chemistry: Isolation and characterization of essential oils from Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

amitchauhan crcpt      

Amit Chauhan
Designation: Technical Assistant 
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Field of Expertise : N.A
Last Updated: Monday, 05 May 2014
CSIR-CIMAP Research Centre Purara

CIMAP RC Purara, the youngest centre of CIMAP, situated on the laps of Western Himalayas was established in 1995 in an area of 10 ha. It is located in Katyur valley of Bageshwar district of Uttarakhand. The centre aims to develop as a centre of excellence of MAPs of Himalayan region.

Centre Activities are collection, conservation, domestication and characterization of MAPs of Uttarakhand, R&D programme for agrotechnology development for hill region, especially Uttarakhand, Integrated soil fertility management in MAPs, Training, awareness, skill upgradation and field demonstrations for the farmers, SHGs, NGOs, State govt. and entrepreneurs, rural development by promoting medicinal and aromatic crop cultivation and technology dissemination through training and capability building, quality analysis of essential oils, industrial scale distillation of aromatic crops, field survey for cultivation of MAPs and feasibility studies and multiplication of elite plant propogules of medicinal and aromatic plants.

Irrigation facility was established and water was pumped up from nearby river. GC machine was installed for analyzing essential oil of various aromatic plants grown in Uttaranchal, a new laboratory building equipped with GLC and soil analysis instruments was inaugurated by Dr. Manju Sharma, Chairperson, Research Council CIMAP on 20 May, 2005. An area of 3.05 ha has been established as organic zone certified by Eco-Cert SA for Eco-Cert International, Northeim. A total of 4.5 ha area made cultivable by making long terraces. A road as a symbol of link between science and society through CIMAPs R&D was developed. Efficient protocol of saving geranium plants and cutting during monsoon season in Uttarnchal established (up to 90% survival), Geranium herb could be stored for 48 hrs prior to distillation without affecting the quanityty/quality of oil, Inclusion of MAPs under traditional cropping systems of Himalayan region were established and resulted in nearly 2-3 fold increase in the imcome to farmers using the technology developed by CIMAP RC, Purara. Crop rotation of geranium with potato, lahi, oat, pea etc showed up to 40% increase in income, Rose and Pyrethrum have been introduced successfully in Uttaranchal hills and the area of cultivation has been expanded to 12 acres and 4 acres of rose and pyrethrum respectively, Selection of high pyrethrin content(up to 1%) line of pyrethrum from plants growing in Uttarakhand. Slection of lines having 3% or more oil in Lavender has been introduced, high oil yielding variety of rosemary “CIM-Hariyali” has been released rich in 1,8 cineol and camphor with complete agro-package. Chemicals composition of the essential oil of Majorana hortensis, which has a lot of uses in flavour, Majorana hortenisis, which has a lot of uses in flavour, perfumery and pharmaceutical industry grown in Uttaranchal and GLC and GC-MS analysis, was done. The major constituents are found to be trans-sabinene hydrate (41.2%), terpinen-4-ol(18.5), cis-sabinene hydrate(9.3%), a-terpineol(3.8%), p-cymene(3.6%) and sabinene(3.0%). The major component of Majorana oil varied significantly with the change in temperature and light. Chemical profiling and antimicrobial activity of Rabdosia oil from Uttranchal hills has been done. The major components thymol and carvacrol content varied from 62.78-77.85%. Antibacterial activity of oil has been checked against 8 pathogenic bacterial strains representing Gram-positive as well as Gram-negative groups. The net zone of growth inhibition produced by these oils against the test bacteria was found to be in the range of 6-11 mm except the Gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Seasonal variation in the essential oil yield and composition of Valeriana wallichi D.C. from Uttarakhand hills has been studied. The major components of the oil are patchouli alchol, seychellene, nor-patchoulenol, humulene oxide, iso valeric acid, α-patchoulene, bornyl acetate and β-elemene. Essential oil recovery was found maximum in the month of March(0.62%) followed by September(0.55%) and July(0.52%). Patchouli alcohol was found maximum during May(70.20%) and June (70.63%), while it was lowest(43.02%) in the month of October.

Technology dissemination, commercialization and utilization of geranium cultivation through processing and value addition of end products in Uttarakhand was carriedout at bio-village level(sponsored by Technology information, forecasting and assessment council (TIFAC). Under this project geranium was cultivated in over 46 farmers’ fields during 2001-2002 and nearly 20 liters of oil was produced and sold to industry @3500. Next year the area was extended to nearly 600 farmers with an area of 6 ha. A total of more than 100 kg oil was produced with the help of 6 units of 1000kg capacity, 4 with 500 kg capacity and 3 with 100 kg capacity distillation units installed at farmers field in 13 biovillages covering 6 districts of Uttarakhand. A rising sun shaped conservatory “Sampada” was established. More than 60 species of different MAPs were planted and established for conservation.

InfrastructureDevelopment  The institute has outreached its research innovation from lab to land and benefited numerous farmers in adopting different agro technologies of MAPs (geranium, rosemary, rose, pyrethrum, lemongrass and ocimum). Not only has the institute fascinated farmers, local villagers, researchers, NGOs, KVKs, SHGs, state govt. organizations, defence person and tourists, it has also attracted several dignitaries from all walks of life. Several politicians have visited the institute and have praised the work and the research conducted in this institute. The other dignitaries being the district and state level officers and others. They have not only visited the place but also took keen interest in the R&D and extension activities. The institute has also attracted several defence personnel’s from different localities of India. They visit the place quite frequently and are impressed by the way the institute has done research in MAPs and disseminated to the Uttarakhand people. 

Last Updated: Saturday, 07 January 2017


Ved Ram Singh
Designation: Senior Principal Scientist  & Scientist-In-Charge
Phone: 91-522-2718677
Field of Expertise : Genetic improvement of Medicinal and Aromatic plants through Breeding (Conventional and Classical
Breeding) approaches;Collection, maintenance, evaluation and multiplication of Germplasm, of selected MAPs Crops.


Prawal Pratap Singh Verma
Designation: Technical Assistant 
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 09410305566
Field of Expertise : Advance agro- technology for  MAPs,Farm Management and Landscaping                



Last Updated: Tuesday, 06 May 2014
Services Offered
arrow   Development and multiplication of propagules of high yielding cultivars of CSIR-CIMAP.              

arrow   Development of farmer - friendly, eco-friendly, sustainable agrotechnologies for economically important MAPs.


arrow    Phytochemical exploration of MAPs of the Deccan region.


arrow   Semisynthesis of natural bioactive molecules for value addition.


arrow   Processing, value addition, qualitative and quantitative analysis of  MAPs.


arrow   Promotion of large scale cluster cultivation of MAP for livelihood improvement and employment generation in rural areas.


arrow  Dissemination and popularization of CIMAP   technologies through training programmes, awareness camps, demonstration nodes,               transfer of technology etc.


arrow   Digitalization, inventorisation and documentation of status of cultivation of MAP.


arrow   Establishment of linkages with industry, financial institutions, government departments/institutes, universities etc.


arrow   Revenue generation through sponsored projects, technology transfer, farm production etc.


arrow   Supply of CIMAP's herbal products and technologies.





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