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  • Farm @ CSIR - CIMAP, Lucknow
  • Farm @ CSIR - CIMAP, Lucknow
  • Distillation Units @ CSIR - CIMAP, Lucknow
  • Farm @ CSIR - CIMAP, Lucknow
Last Updated: Monday, 30 June 2014

The various activities of the farm are:

1. Strengthning R&D base of MAPs thorough field experiments
2. Production of quality seeds and planting material of MAPs

The crops grown in the farm are Menthol mint, Peppermint, Beramot mint, Spearmint, Senna, Citronella, Vetiver, Aloe, Palmarosa, Lemongrass, Isabgol, Opium poppy, Scented Rose, Geranium, Tulsi, Sataver, Withania somnifera,     and Chamomile

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