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  • सबका साथ सबका विकास सबका विश्वास सबका प्रयास
  • Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences
  • Welcome to CSIR-CIMAP
  • Glimses of KISAN MELA 2021
  • Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched the “Shree Gorakhnath Ashirwad” incense stick being made at Gorakhnath Temple from flower wastes, largely by women.
Inviting CSR funds of Indian Industries for S & T interventions of CSIR-CIMAP to augment socio-economic benefit to the society


CIMAP Advt No. 2/2020- Recruitment of Scientists and Senior Scientists- List of Shortlisted candidates to be called for Interview and List of Non-Shortlisted Candidates-reg
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Five-Day Skill Development-cum-Training Program on Cultivation, Primary Processing, Quality Aspects, and Marketing of Commercially Important Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Extension of last date from 16 Aug 2022 to 21 Aug 2022
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Online interview for engagement of Project Associate-I, on purely temporary basis in different projects tenable at CSIR-CIMAP Research Centre, Bengaluru (ADVERTISEMENT NO. PA-August 2022)
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Screening Result- For the post of Senior Technical Officer (1) (Medical Officer), Post Code- T0421 against CSIR-CIMAP Advt. No. 1/2021"
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Final Result- For the post of Senior Technical Officer (1)(2) advertised vide CSIR-CIMAP Advt No. 2/2020
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SIDBI Sponsored Skill-cum-Technology Up-gradation Programme on 'Cultivation and Primary Processing of Economically Important Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
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Interview Schedule-For the post of Senior Technical Officer (1)(2) advertised vide CSIR-CIMAP Advt No. 2-2020
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Disposal of Representations received against CSIR-CIMAP Notice dated 08.02.2022
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Trainings under Skill Development Program 2021-22
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Notice regarding correction in the list of screened in candidates for interview for the post of Sr. Technical Officer (2) (Plant Biotechnology), Post Code T2220 (Unreserved)
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Corrigendum to Advt No. 1/2020, 2/2020 and 1/2021
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Skill-cum-Technology Up-gradation Programme on 'Cultivation and Primary Processing of Economically Important Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Last Date: 10 March 2022
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CSIR-CIMAP invites applications from Indian citizens in prescribed form for the variouse posts for Administrative/Technical support in research related activities under Advertisement No. 1/2021
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Training Programme on 'Improved Production Technologies of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants & Aromatic Oils' (Under Aroma Mission Programme – HCP 0007)
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Announcement of Various E-tenders"
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Training on Various Skill Develoment Programs"
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Precautions for COVID-19 in CSIR - CIMAP campuses
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"Download Mentha-Mitra
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NIT for Empanelment of Banker for foreign remittances
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Revised Rates of Planting materials, seeds and by products of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) at CSIR – CIMAP, Lucknow (w.e.f. 20.07.2017)
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Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, popularly known as CIMAP, is a frontier plant research laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). Established originally as Central Indian Medicinal Plants Organisation (CIMPO) in 1959, CIMAP is steering multidisciplinary high quality research in biological and chemical sciences and extending technologies and services to the farmers and entrepreneurs of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) with its research headquarter at Lucknow and Research Centres at Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pantnagar and Purara. CIMAP Research Centres are aptly situated in different agro-climatic zones of the country to facilitate multi-location field trials and research. A little more than 50 years since its inception, today, CIMAP has extended its wings overseas with scientific collaboration agreements with Malaysia.....  readmorebutton


Last Updated: Saturday, 12 April 2014
This is the home page of Publication & Library
Last Updated: Monday, 30 June 2014

The various activities of the farm are:

1. Strengthning R&D base of MAPs thorough field experiments
2. Production of quality seeds and planting material of MAPs

The crops grown in the farm are Menthol mint, Peppermint, Beramot mint, Spearmint, Senna, Citronella, Vetiver, Aloe, Palmarosa, Lemongrass, Isabgol, Opium poppy, Scented Rose, Geranium, Tulsi, Sataver, Withania somnifera,     and Chamomile

Last Updated: Friday, 16 January 2015
Instrument List  
Ultracentrifuge - Beckman-Optima L-90
DNA Sequencer- Genetic Analyzer (ABI 3130xl)
Real Time PCR system (ABI 7900HT)
MALDI-TOF-TOF with Investigator Pro-pic & investigator Pro-prep
Flow Cytometer (BD-LSR II)
High Speed Centrifuge- Beckman-Avanti floor model 
Water Purification System (Mili Q - ELIX)
Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge- Sigma
Ice machine
Nano Drop ND-1000
Electronic Balance (Sartorious, Presica)
Refrigerators 165lt.
-80˚C Deepfreezer
-20˚C Deepfreezer 
BOD incubator
Incubator shaker
Laminar flow
 pH meter
EC meter
Mini centrifuge 
Microwave oven 
Freeze dryer (Lyophilizer) 
Last Updated: Friday, 11 April 2014
jQuery UI Accordion - Default functionality

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  • List item one
  • List item two
  • List item three

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