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Last Updated: Monday, 29 January 2018

Raman Research Fellowship(2017-18) by CSIR

Dr. Ashutosh K. Shukla, Senior Scientist, Biotechnology Division, CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow, was awarded the Raman Research Fellowship for the year 2017-18 by CSIR for conducting advanced research in the area of Alkaloidomics and Synthetic Biology with Prof. (Dr.) Michael Müller at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany."

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CSIR Technology Awards - 2015

CIMAP selected for ‘CSIR Technology Award’- 2015

CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants(CIMAP) has been selected for CSIR Technology Award-2015 in Life Sciences for development of improved varieties and promotion of Cultivation of medicinally important Aswagandha (Withania somnifera) for improving the economy of small and marginal farmers in Semi-Arid Tropical (SAT) regions of Deccan Plateau.

The award will be presented to CSIR-CIMAP in a specially organized ceremony on September 26, 2015 the CSIR Foundation Day at New Delhi.

About CSIR Technology Awards

'CSIR Technology Awards' were instituted in 1990 to encourage multi-disciplinary inhouse team efforts and external interaction for technology development, transfer and commercialization. These awards are in the category of:

(i) Life Sciences;

(ii) Physical Sciences including Engineering;

(iii) lnnovation (to be awarded to the best innovation that has been patented in any area);

(iv) Business Development and Technology Marketing;

(v) Most Significant CSlR Technology of the Five Year Plan Period.

Whilst, the awards in the category (i) to (iv) carry the cash prize of Rs. 2 lakh each, the award for the "Most Significant CSlR Technology of the Five Year Plan Period has a cash prize of Rs. 5 lakh. The prizes are shared among the individual/ members of the teams/group(s). In case the prize awarded to joint winners, both receive the cash prize in full.

Prof. Archana Sharma Memorial Lecture Award (2015)

Dr. (Mrs.) Suchitra Banerjee, Chief Scientist, awarded Prof. Archana Sharma Memorial Lecture Award (2015) by National Academy of Sciences, India

 Click to see details:

  Prof Archana Sharma   AwardSnapshot

CSIR Young Scientist Award 2015

Dr Sumit Ghosh, Department of Plant Biotechnology, CSIR-CIMAP awarded CSIR Young Scientist Award 2015 in Biological Sciences

 Click to see details:

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