ICT Services Highlights | |
Information & Communication Technology Department has the prime objective of providing networking, mailing and computer services at the institute. The major activities of the department are maintainance and up gradation of the mail, web, intranet, DHCP, DNS, router, bridge, anti-virus, backup and database servers. The remote sensing and GIS technologies are also the research focus of the department. A campus LAN (Local Area Network) has been set which connects together approximately 350 computers spread over the CIMAP campus. The network utilises a mixture of optical fibre, UTP cables and switches. The internet access is provided through a gateway to the external world via a 10 Mbps radio link. Email and Internet services are thus brought to the user’s desktops. ICT has started the initiative to establish a new Data Center facility. Migration to improved infrastructure, with new servers to improve of the quality of service has been already completed. Multilayered firewall and antivirus solution have been implemented to enhance the overall network security. The department is also involved in development of the various in-house databases, applications (standalone & web), SMS based agro advisories and digitization of traditional knowledge. Our research focus is also on remote sensing and GIS based surveys for the inventorisation and conservation studies of the medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs). |