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Last Updated: Monday, 11 April 2022

Indian Ocean Rim Association-Reginal Center of Science and Technology Transfer (IORA-RCSTT)
Coordinatotion Centre on Medicinal Plants
CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal Plants, Lucknow-226015, Uttar Pradesh, India

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Last Updated: Monday, 11 April 2022

IORA Medicinal Plants Database

IORA medicinal plants database is a comprehensive online database of information on medicinal plants. The objective of the database is to digitalize the information (i.e. botanical, chemical, ethno-botanical, pharmacological, published patents, market research, agriculture etc.) related to highly trade medicinal plants across 23 IORA countries i.e. Commonwealth of Australia, People's Republic of Bangladesh, Union of Comoros, French Republic, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Madagascar, Malaysia, Republic of Maldives, Republic of Mauritius, Republic of Mozambique, Sultanate of Oman, Republic of Seychelles, Republic of Singapore, Federal Republic of Somalia , Republic of South Africa, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, United Republic of Tanzania, Kingdom of Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Republic of Yemen The study is based on secondary sources, which include books, journals, databases, findings/ reports published by government and public agencies and other web sources. 

iora database

Last Updated: Monday, 11 April 2022
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Last Updated: Monday, 11 April 2022

IORA-RCSTT, Coordination Centre On Medicinal Plants


 India is one of the founder members of Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) which consists of 23 member states and nine dialogue partners. The IORA Regional Centre for Science and Technology Transfer (IORA-RCSTT) functions under the authority of IORA secretariat and the IORA Council of Ministers. It has the status of an intergovernmental regional organization, with duties and privileges equivalent to those of a UN mission in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Considering the vast potential of medicinal plants in the member nations of IORA, the IORA RCSTT-Medicinal Plant Network was established. The aim of this network is to extend co-operation and share information and resources among IORA Member States.

In order to promote scientific and technical cooperation and collaboration in the field of medicinal plants, a MOU was signed between IORA-RCSTT and CSIR-CIMAP at IORA-RCSTT headquarters Tehran on February 24th, 2018. Through this cooperation, CSIR-CIMAP and IORA-RCSTT will promote exchange and cooperation of personnel, information, technology and business in the area of medicinal and aromatic plants. With the resolution towards achieving all claimed objectives, the IORA-RCSST centre on medicinal plants was inaugurated at CIMAP on 7th May 2018.

The role of CSIR-CIMAP as the coordinating centre is to develop cooperation and to support IORA member states and dialogue partners in the area of medicinal plants. The centre is striving to establish close link between scientists, researchers, institutes, farmers, industry, and other stakeholders for knowledge dissemination and equitable benefit sharing.

In current, the activities initiated by the centre are effectual in strengthening the existing research and methodologies at national and international level and are in favour of science and technology development, transfer, and commercialization among countries



IORA-Member States and Dialogue Partners

IORA Member States: Australia, Bangladesh, Comoros, France, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Mozambique, Oman, Seychelles, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

Countries with the Status of Dialogue Partners: China, Egypt, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America