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सीएसआईआर- सीमैप शोध केन्द्र हैदराबाद

Last Updated: Monday, 16 February 2015
प्रस्तुत सेवाएं
arrow   Development and multiplication of propagules of high yielding cultivars of CSIR-CIMAP.              

arrow   Development of farmer - friendly, eco-friendly, sustainable agrotechnologies for economically important MAPs.


arrow    Phytochemical exploration of MAPs of the Deccan region.


arrow   Semisynthesis of natural bioactive molecules for value addition.


arrow   Processing, value addition, qualitative and quantitative analysis of  MAPs.


arrow   Promotion of large scale cluster cultivation of MAP for livelihood improvement and employment generation in rural areas.


arrow  Dissemination and popularization of CIMAP   technologies through training programmes, awareness camps, demonstration nodes,               transfer of technology etc.


arrow   Digitalization, inventorisation and documentation of status of cultivation of MAP.


arrow   Establishment of linkages with industry, financial institutions, government departments/institutes, universities etc.


arrow   Revenue generation through sponsored projects, technology transfer, farm production etc.


arrow   सीमैप हर्बल उत्पादों और प्रौद्योगिकियों की आपूर्ति।.

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