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Genetic Resource Management Department

The focus of the department is management of "Genetic Resources" of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs). The germplasm of MAPs is being effectively conserved in seed bank for mid- term storage (at 4ºC ± 1ºC for 15-20 years ) and short term storage (at 18 ºC ± 1 ºC for 5-8 years). The live plants are also conserved in the respective field conservatories namely AYUSH (Traditional system of medicine), UPAJ (Under cultivation), AMRIT (Leads been obtained by CIMAP), FASAL (Released varieties of CIMAP), SRISHTI (Shrubby MAPs), TARUVAR (Tree species of MAPs), MANAV (MAPs depicted in form of their uses in curing the ailments of different body parts of human), PHAL VAN (MAPs mainly used as fruits) and ANKUR (MAPs used for growing new introductions). Our research focus is also on fine characterization of germplasm of medicinal and aromatic plants. The DNA fingerprinting laboratory at our department is dedicated for molecular characterization of germplasm, development of fingerprints of Withania somnifera, Catharanthus roseus and Papaver germplasms by deploying various molecular markers techniques. A large microsatellite marker resource is being generated at the department specifically for Catharanthus roseus and Withania somnifera. Seed quality laboratory of our department is also working on development of seed standards for quality parameters and protocols for seed quality testing of commercially cultivated major medicinal and aromatic crops. Genetic improvement work of Artemisia annua, Sylibum marianam, Mentha species, Withania somnifera, Catharanthus roseus, Papaver somniferum, Vetiveria zizinoides and Rosa damacena is also being carried out by the department.