Business Joomla Themes Justhost Reviews

Process Chemistry & ChemEngg Department

Last Updated: Thursday, 12 June 2014
Recent Research 

Developing efficient technologies for production of essential oils, aroma chemicals, medicinal plant extracts and drugs of high commercial value and export potential for applications in perfumery, food, flavor, insecticide, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

Scaling up of promising bench scale technologies to pilot plant level for generation of design data by conducting trials at pilot plant level

Designing of efficient equipments for the processing of medicinal and aromatic plants by distillation, fractionation and extraction.

Providing technical support for designing, fabrication, installation and commissioning of processing units for MAPs

Preparation of design drawings, flow sheets, techno economic feasibility and project reports for prospective clients

Providing hands on training on pilot plant for entrepreneurs for processing of medicinal and aromatic plants.

R&D on use of renewable source i.e zero cost spent aromatic crops biomass as raw material for the synthesis of useful chemicals.

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