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Last Updated: Monday, 06 July 2015
Significant Achievements

For over 30 years, researchers working at Plant Pathology Department, CSIR-CIMAP have conducted research to improve the quality of life for MAP growers, farmers and economy of the country. Through their continued efforts, they have identified important / serious diseases of MAPs and the associated pathogens. These are novel findings having wider implications for the plant science community.

• Disease-associated pathogen(s) (bacteria, fungi, viruses, phytoplasma) were isolated, maintained properly and characterized through conventional and molecular means. These findings helped in the management of the diseases and prevented economic losses.

• During screening many beneficial microorganisms, mostly Pseudomonas and Bacillus sp. were identified and documented as growth promoters with strong activity in the management of many diseases caused by fungal pathogens. Some of the bacteria were also found to be useful in the management of heavy metals (rhizoremediation).

•A large germplasm has been screened against severe pathogens in collaboration with the breeders towards development of disease-resistant variety of opium poppy

•The department has more than 10 granted US patents related to pathogens

•It keeps in continuous touch with MAP growing farmers for solving their problems with suitable indigenous solutions. /span>

•Recently an initiative has been undertaken towards management of fungal diseases/pathogens using nanoparticle.

•A simple, eco-friendly and cost effective protein based dip stick diagnostic has been developed for the detection of begomovirus infection in menthol mint.

•Ongoing activities of the department are mostly sponsored by the CSIR, DBT, UPCST and UPBDB funding agencies.


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