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  • ChemicalSciences
  • Process Chemistry & Technology Department
Last Updated: Tuesday, 11 July 2017
Who We Are

The Chemical Sciences Division (CSD) performs the discovery, designing and value addition, scale-up process, medicinal and synthetic chemistry and quality assurances of secondary metabolites of medicinal and aromatic plants. Our works provide a basis for new and improved medicinal and aromatic plant technologies and enable understanding in interdisciplinary research. To accomplish its vision and mission, CSD establishes an integrated research profile in fundamental Natural Products Chemistry that seamlessly spans from milligram scales to kilogram scales and on time scales of few minutes to natural time of chemical isolation and transformations processes. Research problems are cohesively addressed by coupling related research areas, including discovery of novel phytochemicals, their scale-up Chemistry, structural modification and biological action, quality analysis / chemovar defining, essential oil quality and aromatherapy. This cutting-edge research portfolio of CSD is designed to support the basic chemical sciences to the mission of quality, efficacy and safety of medicinal and aromatic plants.

The group is committed to the rigorous scientific investigation on MAPs and excelling in the following aspects of MAPs Chemistry:

Bioactivity guided isolation and structure elucidation of novel aroma and phytomolecules.

Pharmacophore modelling and value addition to natural products through chemical modifications.

Method development, QC/QA of essential oils/ herbs/ herbal products, identification of marker chemicals, 

Bio-analytical Chemistry focusing purity profiling and pharmacokinetic studies in plant drug research

Phytochemical/essential oil analysis service to academics, entrepreneurs and medicinal and aromatic crop farmers.

Developing MAPs process technologies, designing of innovative distillation units for essential oils.

Development of novel pharmacologically important compounds

Development of new synthetic protocols.

Development of pharmacologically important compounds and development of new synthetic protocols.


The faculty members of the Chemical Sciences Division are working on all the new vistas of chemical science research related to following major areas-

Natural Products Chemistry

Medicinal Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry

Process Chemistry

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